
Professional Diploma in Project Management


8 months (six months [cohort-based] of accelerated learning and a two-month capstone project).

  • Attend live online, expert-led classes (12 Saturdays)
  • Complete self-study course materials (at your own pace), and submit assignments via RizikiLMS
  • 40% – 3 Continuous Assessment Tests (written, instructor-marked assignments)
  • 30% – a final exam (online)
  • 30% – a two-month capstone project (undertaken after coursework)

Proof of prior learning including certifications, a diploma or first degree from a recognized institution. Relevant working experience is desirable BUT NOT mandatory;

Fees & Payment Plans

Full fees: $1000 (Ksh. 100,000)

Payment Plans (installment plans):

  • 30% – deposit (paid upfront)
  • 30% – payable within the first 3 months
  • 40% – payable within the last 3 months

Applications Ongoing!

Apply Jan/May/Oct Intake


Upon completion, you will receive an e-verifiable credential (shareable on LinkedIn) and an official transcript. 

RizikiSkills Certificate Sample

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Professional Diploma?

A Professional Diploma is a qualification that provides focused, job-oriented education or training in a specific field.

It takes less time to complete than a typical diploma, bachelor’s or master’s degree (often 6 months to 1 year) and quickly equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in a particular profession or area of work.

How is a Professional Diploma different from a Degree?
  • Focus: Professional diplomas have a narrower focus on practical skills and knowledge relevant to a specific job or industry. Degrees offer a broader academic foundation in a chosen field.
  • Time Commitment: Professional diplomas typically require less time to complete compared to degrees.
  • Career Path: Professional diplomas often target specific job roles, while degrees can prepare you for a wider range of careers within a field.
What are the benefits of getting a Professional Diploma?
  • Career Advancement: Professional diplomas can equip you with the skills and qualifications needed for promotions or career changes.
  • Shorter Time Commitment: Compared to degrees, you can gain valuable skills and enter the workforce faster.
  • Cost-Effective: Professional diplomas are generally less expensive than degrees.
  • Industry-Specific Knowledge: Gain targeted knowledge and skills relevant to your desired job or industry.
Who should consider getting a Professional Diploma?
  • Individuals seeking a career change: Gain the qualifications needed to enter a new field.
  • Professionals seeking to upskill or specialize: Enhance your skillset and advance within your current industry.
  • Recent graduates: Supplement your degree with job-ready skills.
  • People looking for a faster path to employment: Enter the workforce quicker with focused training.
How do I choose the right Professional Diploma?
  • Your career goals: Align your diploma with your desired job or industry.
  • Entry requirements: Ensure you meet the prerequisite qualifications. 
  • Program content and reputation: Research the program’s curriculum and the institution offering it.
  • Delivery format (online, part-time, hybrid, full-time): Choose a format that suits your learning style and schedule.
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